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What are three rewards and three challenges that you will face as a Essay

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What are three rewards and three challenges that you will face as a teacher - Essay Example

So the very privilege of getting the opportunity to shape and direct the young minds as a teacher is a great reward in itself (Kauchak &Eggen, 2010). Besides, it is a discernable, yet, never accepted fact that teaching is not regarded by the contemporary society as a real and challenging profession (Kauchak & Eggen, 2010). Very few people harbor the ambition and desire to choose teaching as a profession. So, as a teacher I will find it really tempting to present myself as a competitive and ambitious role model dedicated to serving the society, in the field of education. As a teacher I intend to be really proactive in my approach and choices. I not only aim to do the best where I am placed, but also aspire to advance in the ranks by the dint of my sincerity and dedication, intending to ascend the professional platform where I have the power to make the real changes required in the contemporary education system.
I am also aware of the challenges that I will have to face as a teacher.